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Startseite > Suchergebnisse Institut zum Thema MBA & Master in International > IE Business School

Institut-Profilseite von IE Business School, Institut in 28006 Madrid

IE Business School, Institut, in 28006 Madrid

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IE Business School

und Impressum

IE Business School
María de Molina, 31
28006 Madrid

Telefon: +34 91 568 96 00Nr. anzeigen
Website: zur Webseite Weiterbildungsmarkt.net Anbieter

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MBA & Master

Vorstellung des Anbieters


Our unique, cutting-edge Tech MBA was designed to provide a learning journey in the areas of technology, management and transformational leadership, creating professionals who can adapt to the fast and continuous pace of technological evolution. A one-year program based in Madrid, designed for professionals that want to develop their career in the technology sector or in tech-centric job roles who want to become fluent in the language of business and technology, building a career that leverages their enhanced tech vision and strategic skills to succeed in the business of the future.

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