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Startseite > Suchergebnisse Institut zum Thema MBA & Master in International > American University in Bulgaria

Institut-Profilseite von American University in Bulgaria, Institut in 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

American University in Bulgaria, Institut, in 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

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American University in Bulgaria

und Impressum

American University in Bulgaria
12 Svoboda Bachvarova St.
2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Telefon: (+359 73) 888 111Nr. anzeigen
Website: zur Webseite Weiterbildungsmarkt.net Anbieter

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Eckdaten des Anbieters


MBA & Master

Vorstellung des Anbieters


The first American-style, English language, liberal arts educational institution in Eastern Europe, the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) is a unique cooperative venture established with the support of the U.S. and Bulgarian governments, the Open Society Institute, and the University of Maine.AUBG is a privately funded, not-for-profit institution. Tuition and private donations, as well as grants, finance its educational activities. It opened its doors in September 1991, with a first-year class of 208 students and 16 full-time faculty members.

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