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Startseite > Suchergebnisse Institut zum Thema MBA & Master in Deutschland > Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB)

Institut-Profilseite von Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB), Institut in 20355 Hamburg

Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB), Institut, in 20355 Hamburg

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Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB)

und Impressum

Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB)
Jungiusstraße 6
20355 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 (0)40 3 07 06 - 226Nr. anzeigen
Website: zur Webseite Weiterbildungsmarkt.net Anbieter

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Eckdaten des Anbieters


MBA & Master

Vorstellung des Anbieters


In today's globalized world, international experience and intercultural competences are extremely useful qualities for professional success. The Bucerius Master of Law and Business is especially designed to let students get used to working in an international environment. With some 30 countries on average being represented in any single year, the student body is as international as the curriculum itself. This way, students not only acquire knowledge about international business and international law, but also the skills necessary to put that knowledge into practice effectively.

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