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Startseite > Suchergebnisse Master-Lehrgang zum Thema Finanz- & Rechnungswesen > Financial Engineering, M.Sc.

Master-Lehrgang Financial Engineering, M.Sc. von Distance and Independent Studies Center (DISC) der RPTU

Financial Engineering, M.Sc.

und Impressum

Distance and Independent Studies Center (DISC) der RPTU

Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße, Gebäude 57
67663 Kaiserslautern

Telefon: +49 631 205-4925Nr. anzeigen
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Eckdaten des Master-Lehrgangs


Finanz- & Rechnungswesen, Fernstudium und Online, Masterstudium




6 Semester (berufsbegleitend), Beginn: WiSe




EUR 0,-

Beschreibung des Master-Lehrgangs

In-depth knowledge of and expertise in modern financial mathematics and actuarial science, and the ability to apply these statistically and numerically, are becoming increasingly important in the financial and insurance sectors. The distance learning programme provides the participants with the necessary advanced and theoretical foundations and competencies in the areas of financial mathematics and financial economics, the ability to create links to actuarial science, and imparts statistical and numerical methods.


The English-language distance learning programme “Financial Engineering” is accredited to award the academic degree Master of Science (M.Sc.).


Mandatory on-campus phases take place once or twice per semester over a (long) weekend in Kaiserslautern.


At the moment, the tuition fees are EUR 1,990 per semester, plus a social contribution. The one-time fee for the Master's thesis currently amounts to EUR 720. For more information please visit our website ("Weitere Informationen").


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